vonkajšie svetlá LED

One available room to let.


Lokalita:Bratislava, Petržalka mapa
Predmet podnájmu:samostatná nepriechodná izba v 3i. byte
Voľné od:3.12.2018
Mesačný nájom:280 EUR (kaucia 280 EUR)
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Upraviť inzerát, pridaný: 28.11. 2018

Located in Petrzalka 10 minutes to central with bus stop Romanova (68,83,92,95,99,196). Recently refurbished and ready to move immediately. Huge room for 280 month all bills included (also internet and netflix). We will be 3 in the flat each one will have room and a small living room. First month also deposit has to be paid – same amount as the rent. For more info please send PM

Zuzana, majiteľ
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