vonkajšie svetlá LED

Sunny shared room in Bratislava Old town


Lokalita:Bratislava, Staré Mesto
Beskydská mapa
Predmet podnájmu:spoločná izba v 3i. byte
Voľné od:20.7.
Mesačný nájom:194 EUR (kaucia 150 EUR)
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Upraviť inzerát, pridaný: 2.7. 2020

Good day, We are looking for one roommate in a shared room with a music student. The apartment is located in an amazing location between Račianský myth and the main station. The apartment is 95% furnished. The apartment has a washing machine, dishwasher and kitchen appliances The apartment house has a garden, cellar and attic space. Ideal if the candidate likes art, music, coffee and good food. The rental price is 194 €. The rental price includes energy and internet. A deposit of € 150 is payable upon arrival. We will be very happy if you contact us Martin and Barbora

Martin/Barbora, nájomca, +421904648649
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